Cereals 2014
23 June 2014
To underscore our interest and committment to the food and agriculture sector - following on recent deals such as the sale of Elsinore Foods to Golden Acre Foods and the sale of Phaseolus to Place UK - PEM recently took a stand at Cereals 2014 the leading event for the UK Arable Industry. This was held at Chrishall Grange near Duxford.
Nice to see our friends Max and Ian of Redfox Recruitment at their very busy stand just along from us, and to catch up with Hannah Croft (formerly of PEMCF) on the Duncan & Topliss stand.
Stephen Peak, Partner at PEM, supervises Sanchia Norris one of our Private Clients Tax Partners, and Rebecca Porter Assitant Director VAT Services in the errection of the Peters Elworthy & Moore stand at Cereals 2014
Car Park 1 at Cereals 2014 - if you have a grey, black or silver car then you will NOT stand out from the crowd!