How - and why - to value your company - a practical approach to Business Valuations
21 October 2013
We're once again running our Business Exit Strategies seminars this autumn. These are not just about selling out. Many of our attendees are looking at longer term planning, and the topics we cover including how to build value in the company through grooming, saving tax, and valuation can all help with such planning.
People often need formal valuations for the tax authorities, or perhaps during divorce or a shareholder dispoute. But its just as important to measure how the value of your businsess is growing as you execute your plan.
We cover how to value your business in the event. There are many myths out there about business valuations. It is probably true that its an art, but its also a science. We try to convey the basics, and to debunk some of the myths that are peddled about this important subject. I promise we do this in a lively and interactive way - no dry theoretical content.
Other key topics covered include putting in place your ownership strategy : succession planing : management buyouts : tax planning : selling your company : negotiating the deal.
The events are being held in Northampton, Stevenage and Brentwood on 7th, 21st and 28th November.
Visit our website for full details and to book or you might like to call Peggy on 01223 728280 and she can take your booking personally.