M&A Bourn Hall buys ISIS Fertility
06 January 2010
I'm pleased to be able to report on a transaction we recently closed. It is particularly nice to be able to work on a second deal with the same group of people - doesn't always happen in M&A if you are acting for the sellers for example. We advised the management of Bourn Hall, led byMike Macnamee on the original MBO from its Swiss pharmaceutical parent company Serono, and this time around on the acquisition of ISIS Fertility in Colchester.
Bourn Hall Clinic, the world’s first and best-known assisted conception clinic, was established in 1980 by IVF pioneers Patrick Steptoe and Robert Edwards. It remains one of the UK’s leading fertility clinics. In ISIS Fertility was established in Colchester in 1999 to provide fertility treatment for patients in Essex and South Suffolk. Following the deal it will become Bourn Hall Clinic Colchester.
The Colchester clinic will provide a full fertility service including all treatments up to and including embryo-transfer, and is the first fully owned satellite clinic to be established by Bourn Hall. It will treat both private and NHS funded patients.
Neil Burton at Mills & Reevein Cambridge provided legal advice to Bourn Hall.